EIT Images of the disk event of 1996/09/25 - 27
NOT for attribution before release by the EIT Consortium
All images are in Fe XII 195 Å.
11:33 UT | 17:00 UT | 19:05 UT | 21:22 UT
23:00 UT | 01:05 UT | 03:00 UT | 05:00 UT
07:00 UT | 11:33 UT | 17:00 UT | 19:05 UT
20:57 UT | 23:00 UT
Click on the thumbnails for 256 x 256 pixel, full-resolution GIF images.
A GIF movie of the EIT Fe XII 195 Å, full-frame
images for 1996 September 25 - 26.
A GIF movie of the ratio of EIT Fe XII 195 Å and
Fe IX, X 171 Å images for 1996 September 25 - 27.
An eruptive, followed by an expanding bubble best seen in the
movie of the ratio of Fe XII 195 Å to
Fe IX, X 171 Å, in which bright areas are hotter than dark areas.
The southern edge of the bubble is the "zipper," which can also be seen clearly
in the
Fe XII 195 Å movie.
Is this reconnection? If so, why does it persist for days? (We see it along the
skirt of the south polar hole until at least three days later.)
In case it isn't obvious, this is really preliminary and may well
be wrong, partially or totally. So exercise a little rational thought before
accepting anything said on this page.
An interesting featute of the
ratio movie is that there are bright
rays visible over the south polar hole; usually, only dark (cool) structures
appear over the poles in ratio images. Could reconnection have been going on
already, before the filament started to erupt?
Web curator:
Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official:
Joseph B. Gurman,
Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Last revised - J.B. Gurman