P angle: 24.12 degrees (i.e., heliocentric north is 24.12 degrees counterclockwise of vertical. Vertical (top) is geocentric north. Left, (9 o'clock) is east. To assist in orientation, the brightest prominences are in the SOUTHEAST. There is one major streamer on the EAST limb, two on the WEST limb, with the brightest western streamer being the one to the SOUTH.
Focal length: 178 cm
Focal ratio: f/15
Film: Kodak Technical Pan / 2415
Development: D19 - 5 minutes (Film was developed at Sacramento Peak Observatory by Todd Brown)
Wavelength isolation filer: Schott OG-3
Effective wavelength: 6500 Å
Exposure: 27 seconds
Radial filter range: 10^4 in transmission
Note: There are round dark circular artifacts in the image. These are the result of out of focus dust within the telescope.