Magnetic Carpet Space Science Update Page

You can find more completee information on the Magnetic Carpet at the SOHO Solar Oscillations Investigation's Web site.

Read the NASA press release.

1. Still images

A. MDI stills

ImageShort description
Magnetic carpet movie still view 1
Magnetic carpet movie still view 2
Magnetic carpet movie still view 3
Magnetic carpet movie still view 4

B. Eclipse and EIT stills

Hi-res ImageImageShort description
[1980 eclipse thumbnail] 1980 total eclipse (credit: High Altitude Observatory/ National Center for atmospheric Research)
Click for JPEG
[1988 eclipse thumbnail] 1988 total eclipse (credit: High Altitude Observatory/ National Center for atmospheric Research)
Click for JPEG
[1991 eclipse thumbnail] 1991 total eclipse (credit: Steve Albers, Dennis di Cicco, and Gary Emerson)
Click for JPEG
[1994 eclipse thumbnail] 1994 total eclipse (credit: High Altitude Observatory/ National Center for atmospheric Research)
Click for JPEG
[EIT image thumbnail] [EIT image thumbnail] EIT Fe XII 195 Å image showing ephemeral regions as well as post-flare loops
Click for TIFF Click for GIF

Click on the thumbnail image to get a full-sized TIFF image in the format required by whoever it is that requires these things.

2. QuickTime movies

Miniature QuickTime movies, flattened for unix and Windoze as well as Mac use, of some of the videos we're thinking of using.

MovieShort title
[GIF snapshot] EIT/magnetic carpet walkthrough (22 Mbyte)
[GIF snapshot] EFR magnetic carpet
[GIF snapshot] Even smaller feature magnetic carpet
[GIF snapshot] Transition region brightenings and the carpet
[GIF snapshot] Reconnection simulation
[GIF snapshot] Lower corona

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
[e-mail address: gurman<at>gsfc<dot>nasa<gov>]
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman