LASCO Activity Report for
January 12, 2005 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available.

Points Of Interest

2005/01/11 (Tuesday)

	  S East	Event reported to start at 21:54 UT on previous day
			continues its development. Here is the corresponding
			entry to that event: 
		      -	Slow development of a wide and diffuse loop-like front
			first seen in C2 at 21:54 UT (on 05/01/10) above the 
			S East Limb, already under development after data gap
			between 18:30 - 21:54 UT. Bright structure inside. 
			Mean plane-of-sky speed of the outermost front (LE) 
			based on C3 data at PA 123: ~ 304 km/sec, slightly
			accelerated. As for the inner structure, its mean
			plane-of-sky speed at PA 123 was about 272 km/sec, 
			also slightly accelerated (though lower value than 
			that of the outermost front). Angular span of the 
			event at 09:18 UT (C3): ~ 100 deg, from PA 080 - 180.

01:31 UT  S West	Extremely faint small fronts start to be discernible in
			C2, already far from the inner edge. EIT 195 images
			show the eruption of a prominence between 22:24 - 23:36
			UT on SW, showing then continued outflow in emission
			until about 08:00 UT.

03:54 UT  N East	Faint and diffuse expanding loop front that fades
			throughout C3.

06:06 UT  W Limb	Faint loop front just appearing preceded by a another
			faint and not-well-defined front at ~ 03:54 UT.

06:06 UT  S East	Very faint and diffuse front superposed in the LOS with
			the aftermath of event reported to start at 21:54 UT
			on previous day. By 07:54 UT, a faint expanding loop
			front starts to be seen above the E Limb. It fades 
			throughout C3. Much gusty outflow to S, well into next

09:30 UT  NN West	Couple of very faint front starts to be discernible. 
			They fade throughout C3. By 12:54 UT, infalling
			'v-shaped' structure (the event looks like a 'pair

17:30 UT  NN East	Faint expanding loop front that fades throughout C3.
			Another one, fainter, on NNW apparently developing

18:06 UT  E Limb	Faint and ragged expanding front. It also fades 
			throughout C3.

23:30 UT  S East	Faint and ragged expanding loop front, brighter to S.
			It fades throughout C3.

2005/01/12 (Wednesday)

	  E Limb	Gusty outflow all across the eastern limb.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771