LASCO Activity Report for
December 5, 2000 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: S. Plunkett, K. Schenk

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.

Points Of Interest

Update to Kreutz sungrazing comet discoveries.

SOHO #   Discoverer    Tel.      Date/Time (UT)
  ------   ---------     ----   --------------------
   258     J. Danaher     C3    97/01/21-22 22:00:05-11:45:06
   259     M. Oates       C2    00/11/27 06:54-09:30
   260     X. Leprette    C2    98/11/25 13:31-17:30
   261     X. Leprette    C2    98/11/09 02:54-05:18
   262     M. Oates       C2    98/12/08 19:04-21:04
   263     M. Boschat     C2    00/12/03 12:26-15:06

SOHO has now discovered 263 comets!!


	Outflow continues from yesterdays large CME in North West.

14:26 UT  West Limb	Large slow loop front.  Complex continued
			outflow over limb.
               17:50:05 UT C2 Running Difference Image. 

18:50 UT  SS East	Slow curling loop front, small. Twisting outflow.


	03:30 - 07:50 UT temporary DSN data gap.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771