LASCO Activity Report for
September 13, 2000 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: S. Plunkett, K. Schenk

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.


08:06 UT  SS West	Rough LE event, faint.

10:31 UT  S West	Narrow fast jet.

11:54 UT  S Pole	Very large loop front event.  Full HALO
			CME event.  Complex twisted structures with
			continued outflow.  Long duration M1 flare at 
			11:31 UT associated with CME. High Energy 
			Particle storm visible in white light several
			hours after event.
                12:30:05 UT C2 Running Difference Image. 
                14:18:05 UT C3 Running Difference Image. 
                C2 Running Difference Movie Of HALO Event. 

17:30 UT  N East	Large bright loop front CME.  Develops into full
			HALO event. Complex interior structures with
			continued outflow. 
                17:54:05 UT C2 Running Difference Image. 
                C2 Running Difference Movie Of Event. 

22:30 UT  NN East	Large bright front event.  Disipates quickly.
                23:30:05 UT C2 Running Difference Image. 

23:54 UT  East Limb	Slow moving loop event. Possibly filament related.
			Faint front.


	01:30 - 8:45 UT Temporary DSN Data Gap.

08:54 UT  N East	Jet-like event in progress.

12:30 UT  N Pole	Slow front starts.  Multiple loop event.
			Filament related.  Only 3 image frames at 
			this time for analysis. 

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771