LASCO Activity Report for
May 30, 2000 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.

Point of Interest

Planet Venus in C3 field from West side, as of 5/17.

SOHO-120 Kreutz Sungrazing comet.  Discovered by M. Oates, M. Boschat, and
	X. Leprette.  Seen in C2 data only from 5/27 01:54 - 06:06 UT


03:54 UT  East Limb	Rising loops on limb.

13:54 UT  S West	Jagged LE, jet-like event, filament related.

17:59 UT  N Pole	Small event, bright front.

18:30 UT  N Pole	A 2nd event, same area as earlier, small.

20:30 UT  N Pole	Slow emission, Large CME.  Filament related.
			Continued outflows with multiple interior
			loop structures.


01:31 UT  N East	Fast narrow jet.

03:30 UT  N Pole	Another event in active area near pole.
			Many twisted structures with a ball front.
			More continued outflow with 'heart shaped'design.

08:06 UT  S East	Narrow jet.

08:30 UT  NE & SW	Fast event!  2 regions with emission. Velocities
			match.  May be separate events.

12:30 UT  SS East	Jetting.

17:30 UT  SS West	Narrow jetting.

19:31 UT  East Limb	Large CME event. bright LE.

21:30 UT  N East	jet.


03:54 UT  N East	Narrow jetting.

06:30 UT  N East	More jetting.

06:54 Ut  West Limb	Small event. Rough LE.

10:31 UT  N West	Helmet shaped front. Very slow emission
			at LE.  Develops into a partial HALO Event.
			PA 240 - 150 degrees over North. (Possible
			triggering of filaments due to C8.6 flare
			seen in GOES at 09:54 UT).  A 2nd event, slow
			moving loop front erupts in SSE which 
			fills Corona in C2 field with material.

19:31 UT  NN East	Jet, narrow defined.


04:30 UT  West Limb	Very bright rough front. CME develops into
			large loop with interior ball structure.
			"Smoke Ring" event. (Very nice in C3)
			Long duration outflow.

06:54 UT  S West	Fast loop front CME.

22:30 UT  East Limb	Rising loop structures off limb.  Multiple
			loop eruption by 03:54 UT.  Vey slow continued


06:54 UT  East SE	Bright loop front CME. Continued outflow.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771