16:30 UT SSW@244° Faint outflowing material, slow. Blown out by impulsive event by 22:54 UT with southward shift. 23:54 UT NW@295ۜ Bright hammer loop LE with cavity, fast. An impulsive event preceeds and possibly triggers the continued outflows over NW, expands.
15:50 UT SE@107° Ragged front, expands north. 23:26 UT SE@116° Helmut edge, slow development. Dark cavity with defined circular core. Blown out with southward impact of another event. Breaks free by 04:06 UT.
02:06 UT East@84° Bright symmetric loop front with cavity and twisted core material. 16:50 UT NW@329° Faint wide asymmetric outflowing over NW quadrant.
02:50 UT SE@118° Material begins outflowing along SE streamer lines.