LASCO Activity Report for June 21, 2010
SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available

Points Of Interest

2010/06/18 (Friday)

16:30 UT  SSW@244°	Faint outflowing material, slow.  Blown out
			by impulsive event by 22:54 UT with southward shift.

23:54 UT  NW@295ۜ	Bright hammer loop LE with cavity, fast. An
			impulsive event preceeds and possibly triggers the
			continued outflows over NW, expands.

2010/06/19 (Saturday)

15:50 UT  SE@107°	Ragged front, expands north.

23:26 UT  SE@116°	Helmut edge, slow development.  Dark cavity with defined
			circular core.  Blown out with southward impact of 
			another event.  Breaks free by 04:06 UT. 

2010/06/20 (Sunday)

02:06 UT  East@84°	Bright symmetric loop front with cavity and twisted
			core material.

16:50 UT  NW@329°	Faint wide asymmetric outflowing over NW quadrant. 

2010/06/21 (Monday)

02:50 UT  SE@118°	Material begins outflowing along SE streamer lines. 

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