UCMEO 93001 903120 2030/ 90320 61148 91618 2161/ 045// 123// 40562 80320 61051 81130 42609 12736 1112/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO Partial HALO CME March 20, 2019 C2 Start Time: 1148 UT C3 Start Time: 12:42 - 16:18 UT Type of CME: Asymmetric HALO CME — FRONTSIDE pa1: 216 pa2: 045 Total Width: 189 degrees Velocity Measurements: C2 5 points 0554.8 km/sec @ PA 306 C3 4 points 0586.4 km/sec @ PA 306 Average through both fields: 0562.1 km/sec Acceleration: 9.03 m/sec^2. COMMENT: AIA 193 shows a flare of AR 12736 at location [N09, W26] 10:51-11:30 UT. The event produces an EUV wave and a dimming in the Northwest quadrant, followed by a small post loop arcade. There was an earlier emission in AIA beginning 07:25 UT. It also produced minimal EUV wave. There is the possibility of this also adding to the CME seen in LASCO. STEREO Beacon Data COR2 A, 11:39 - 15:39 UT; shows a CME from the West. Preliminary time/height measure gives 0620.5 km/sec @ 295 degrees. NOAA/GOES reports a C4.8 class X-ray flare of AR12736 10:35/11:18/11:34 UT. Preliminary UCMEO velocity and position measurements are delivered first. Images, movies, and time/height information for this event will be available at: https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/lasco/observations/halo/2019/190320/ Best Regards, --Kevin Schenk BT [Images from the original alert message are omitted here]