UCMEO 93001 30807 1550/ 30805 60700 81206 0001/ 360// 233// 41044 30805 60616 80810 40769 13386 1222/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO HALO CME August 5, 2023 C2 Start Time: 7:00 UT C3 Start Time: 7:30 UT Type of CME: Asymmetric HALO CME — FRONTSIDE pa1: 000 pa2: 360 Total Width: 360 degrees Velocity Measurements: C2: 4 points 1089.5 km/sec @ PA 255.52 C3: 13 points 1017.6 km/sec @ PA 255.32 Average through both(C2/C3) fields: 1044.5 km/sec Acceleration: -20.79 m/sec^2 COMMENT: LASCO C2/C3 show a CME with a bright core emerging from the SW and propagating westward, the CME quickly loops around the east into a full Halo CME. The event is associated with a M1.6 class solar flare centered on N07W69 (AR 3386) that is not visible on SDO AIA due to an eclipse occuring during the time of the event. LASCO shows extreme proton flux in the field of view. (SEP) NOAA/GOES reports a M1.6 flare from AR 3386 06:16/07:22/08:10 UT STEREO Beacon Data COR2 A, shows a bright core CME emerging from the West 7:23 - 10:23 UT. Preliminary time/height measure gives 1145.4 km/sec @ 248 degrees. Preliminary UCMEO velocity and position measurements are delivered first. Images, movies, and time/height information for this event will be available at: https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/lasco/observations/halo/2023/230805 Best Regards, --James Tabourne BT [Images from original message are omitted here] ________________________________________________ Soho-halo-alert mailing list Soho-halo-alert@mail.nascom.nasa.gov https://mail.nascom.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/soho-halo-alert