Cinema EIT: Movies from the SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging
The following GIF movies, viewable with most Web viewers released in
mid-1996 or later, give examples of the types of data EIT can obtain,
and serve as inidcators of data sets that are available for joint
analysis (e.g. during SOHO
Joint Observing Programs (JOPs).
Needless to say, these are byte-scaled, quicklook images and are
neither final data nor fit for analysis. If you wish to analyze EIT
data, please read the EIT data rights
policy and submit an analysis proposal.
EIT 304 Å movie in support of SERTS 2000 rocket flight
2000 July 26 (SOHO ICAL 006)
MPEG Movie | Time | GIF movie | Time
| 2000 July 25 17:55 - 18:28 UT
(304 Å, 91 Kbyte)
| 2000 July 25 17:55 - 18:28 UT
(304 Å, 2.3 Mbyte)
EIT movies in support of JOP 118, 2000 April - May
Note that these data include runs of campaign 6441 (TRACE and EIT only) on
2000 April 29 and 30.
MPEG Movie | Time | GIF movie | Time
| 2000 April 29 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171 Å, 289 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 29 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 30 11:00 - 11:59 UT
(171 Å, 288 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 30 11:00 - 11:59 UT
(171Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 May 8 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171 Å, 286 Kbyte)
| 2000 May 8 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171Å, 4.9 Mbyte)
EIT movies in support of JOP 083, 2000 April
MPEG Movie | Time | GIF movie | Time
| 2000 April 1 14:00 - 14:58 UT
(304 Å, 225 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 1 14:00 - 14:58 UT
(304 Å, 4.7 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 29 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171 Å, 289 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 29 00:00 - 00:59 UT
(171Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 2 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(304 Å, 236 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 2 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(304 Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 5 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 288 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 5 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.4 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 6 17:00 - 17:59 UT
(195 Å, 239 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 6 17:00 - 17:59 UT
(195 Å, 2.8 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 7 13:45 - 14:46 UT
(195 Å, 239 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 7 13:45 - 14:46 UT
(195 Å, 2.6 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 8 12:00 - 12:59 UT
(195 Å, 239 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 8 12:00 - 12:59 UT
(195 Å, 2.6 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 9 14:30 - 15:29 UT
(195 Å, 169 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 9 14:30 - 15:29 UT
(195 Å, 2.0 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 11 16:30 - 17:29 UT
(195 Å, 269 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 11 16:30 - 17:29 UT
(195 Å, 2.6 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 15 15:00 - 15:59 UT
(195 Å, 288 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 15 15:00 - 15:59 UT
(195 Å, 2.9 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 16 20:00 - 20:59 UT
(195 Å, 288 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 16 20:00 - 20:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 17 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 283 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 17 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 2.8 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 18 20:00 - 20:59 UT
(195 Å, 289 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 18 20:00 - 20:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.5 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 19 14:00 - 14:59 UT
(195 Å, 289 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 19 14:00 - 14:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.3 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 20 02:00 - 02:59 UT
(195 Å, 285 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 20 02:00 - 02:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.1 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 21 02:00 - 02:59 UT
(195 Å, 289 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 21 02:00 - 02:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.5 Mbyte)
| | |
| 2000 April 22 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 284 Kbyte)
| 2000 April 22 10:00 - 10:59 UT
(195 Å, 3.5 Mbyte)
JOP 082: Study of the Process Of Magnetic Flux Disappearance
in Canceling Bipoles, 1998 June 15 - 16
GIF Movie | MPEG movie | Time
| 1998 June 15, 16:08 - 21:53 UT
| 1998 June 16, 16:53 - 22:08 UT
JOP 070: Coronal Counterparts to He I 10380 Dynamic Events,
1998 June 8 - 9
Note the northern edge of a CME/Moreton wave in the 1998 June 8 movie.
GIF Movie | MPEG movie | Time
| 1998 June 8, 15:00 - 18:56 UT
| 1998 June 9, 15:00 - 18:57 UT
| 1998 June 10, 15:00 - 18:57 UT
| 1998 June 11, 15:00 - 18:57 UT
| 1998 June 12, 15:00 - 18:57 UT
EIT He II 195 Å observations of filament channels for JOP
075, "Time Variation and Dynamics of Active Region Loops"
Movie | Time
| 1998 May 19, 21:00 - 22:00 UT
Shutterless mode observations of AR 8218
GIF Movie | MPEG movie | Time
| 1998 May 13, 17:32 - 18:33 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observation of an eruptive prominence/CME
on the SW limb
A large eruptive prominence goes into emission, post-CME loops (PCMEL's)
appear, and a proton storm starts (not so eaily visible in 512 x 512
versions here; the original data are 1024 x 1024).
GIF Movie | MPEG movie | Time
| 1998 April 20 09:10 - 16:20 UT
Note: The MPEG movie was created with a beta version of
IDL 5.1, and appears "squashed" by 5% in the vertical direction on
some platforms. We hope the release version of IDL 5.1 fixes this
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations of active regions for JOP
018, "Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles," 1998 February
There are some fascinating events both near the sunspots and elsewhere in
the active region. We have to admit, though, that we're puzzled at how one is
supposed to sort out sunspot- from other active-region-related loops and flows
when the region is on the solar limb....
Movie | Time
| 1998 February 24, 14:00 - 15:00 UT
| 1998 February 23, 14:00 - 15:00 UT
| 1998 February 19, 17:00 - 18:00 UT
| 1998 February 18, 17:00 - 18:00 UT
| 1998 February 11, 17:55 - 18:54 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations of a general eruption of
prominences on the NW limb
Pretty much everything ripped loose on 1998 January 3; EIT's Fe XII CME watch
was being conducted in full resolution (1024 x 1024), but to conserve
bandwidth, the GIF movie below is reduced to half resolution and less than a
quarter of the field of view.
Movie | Time
| 1998 January 3 00:04 - 11:54 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations of an eruptive prominence
GIF movie from the high-rate campaign of 1997 December 22 - 1998 January 2
Movie | Time
| 1997 December 26 22:29 - December 27 00:59 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations for CDS/EIT loop study
GIF movies from the camapaign of 1997 December
Movie | Time
| 1997 December 8, 08:00 - 08:55 UT
| 1997 December 9, 08:00 - 08:55 UT
| 1997 December 10, 08:00 - 08:55 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations for campaign 4010
GIF movies from the campaign of 1997 December
Movie | Time
| 1997 December 10, 17:30 - 18:22 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations for JOP 018: Sunspot Velocity
GIF movies from the camapaign of 1997 December
Movie | Time
| 1997 December 12, 16:05 - 22:04 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å observations for JOP 073: "Blinkers"
GIF movies from the camapaign of 1997 December
Movie | Time | Movie | Time
| 1997 December 4, 16:00 - 19:56 UT
| 1997 December 5, 16:00 - 19:26 UT
| 1997 December 6, 16:00 - 19:56 UT
| 1997 December 7, 16:00 - 19:56 UT
| 1997 December 9, 17:30 - 19:51 UT
| 1997 December 17, 16:17 - 21:53 UT
Two Moreton wave events in two hours: 1997 November 3
NOAA AR 8100 has given rise to some remarkable activity, including
Moreton waves in under two hours on 1997 November 3. The GIF movie shows
a time series of EIT images in Fe XII 195 Å.
EIT Fe XII 195 Å movies from the JOP 070, "Coronal Counterparts
to He I 10380 Dynamic Events," campaign of 1997 November
Movie | Time
| 1997 November 24, 17:00 - 17:55 UT
| 1997 November 24, 17:00 - 23:27 UT
| 1997 November 25, 17:07 - 17:55 UT
| 1997 November 25, 17:07 - 22:17 UT
| 1997 November 25, 22:32 - 23:26 UT
| 1997 November 26, 19:24 - 22:17 UT
| 1997 November 26, 19:24 - 23:27 UT
Fe XII Å movies of AR 8108 (JOP 060)
Click for GIF movie | Event
| Time series of EIT images taken as part of JOP 060, "Joint VLA-SOHO
Observations of Transient Sources in the Solar Corona"
The X-class events of 1997 November
EIT Fe XII 195 Å movies
Click for GIF movie | Event
| X-class flare on Tuesday, 1997 November 4 --- the first proton event of
the current solar cycle. You can see the flare,
the Moreton wave, and coronal mass ejections on both the SE and NW
| X8 flare on Thursday, 1997 November 6 --- the strongest soft X-ray
event in five years. Note the "blizzard" of charged particles
bombarding the detector starting ~ 1.5 hours after the flare.
Movies from Temporal Evolution of Coronal Loops campaign,
1997 October 2 - 10.
Date (1997)
| Fe IX, X 171 Å
| Fe XII 195 Å
| ratio (Te-sensitive)
October 2
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 2.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 2.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 2.
October 3
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 3.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 3.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 3.
October 4
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 4.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 4.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 4.
October 5
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 5.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 5.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 5.
October 6
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 6.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 6.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 6.
October 7
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 7.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 7.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 7.
October 8
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 8.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 8.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 8.
October 9 15:01 - 16:26 UT
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 9.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 9.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 9.
October 9 17:17 - 21:52 UT
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 9.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 9.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 9.
October 10
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 10.
Active region seen in Fe XII; 1997 October 10.
Active region seen in ratio Fe XII/Fe IX,X; 1997 October 10.
October 11
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 11.
October 12
Active region seen in Fe IX,X; 1997 October 12.
Movies from the telemetry submode 2 (SUMER off, LASCO/EIT high)
period, 1997 September 26 - 29.
Movies of the MDI hi-resolution field of view for the
JOP 050 campaign
of 1997 September 16 - 24.
Movies of quiet Sun and active region for yet another bright point
campaign, 1997 September (Fe IX, X 171 Å)
Movies of quiet Sun for JOP051, 1997 August
Fe X, XI 171 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield in quiet Sun, 1997 August 29
Fe XII 195 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield in quiet Sun, 1997 August 29
He II 304 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield in quiet Sun, 1997 August 29
Fe X, XI 171 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 28
Fe XII 195 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 28
He II 304 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 28
Fe X, XI 171 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 27
Fe XII 195 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 27
He II 304 Å movie of a 6.9 x 6.9 arc min
subfield at quiet disk center, 1997 August 27
Fe XII 195 Å observations of mini-CME "puffs" from disk
bright points, 1997
Active region loops on the NE limb observed as part of the CDS-
Norikura "nonthermal broadening in loops" campaign, 1997 August 24
Emerging flux
near disk center in Fe XII 195 A, 1997 August 16
EIT Fe XII 195 Å movies excerpted from our full-resolution CME
watch program (extra telemetry courtesy of SUMER)
MDI continuous
campaign, 1997 August 10 - 14
EIT Fe XII 195 Å subfield movies from the 1997 August MDI continuous
telemetry campaign to observe magnetic fields in the MDI high-resolution
field of view
Fe XII 195 Å movies from the JOP 060 "SOHO-VLA observations
of transient sources in the corona," 1997 June 16
EIT He II 304 Å movies from the JOP 050 "smallest class of
eruptive prominences" campaign, 1997 June 10 - 15.
EIT Fe XII 195 Å movie of a microjet in the northern polar
coronal hole
1996 July 13 15:48 - 16:29 UT
EIT Fe XII 195 Å movie of an old-cycle, dipolar region (NOAA
AR 8402) with a flare and CME (darkening) while on the disk
1997 May 21 15:01 - 20:51 UT
EIT Fe IX,X 171 Å movie of a small active region with a disappearing
sunspot.... but very active coronal loops
1997 January 17 04:00 - 19:30 UT
EIT temperature-sensitive ratio movies of the MDI hi-res field of
GIF movies (~1.5 Mbyte) of ratios of EIT Fe XII 195 Å and Fe IX,X
171 Å images in an 8 x 8 block (~ 11 x 11 arc min) subfield including the
MDI hi-resolution field of view. The observations cover the period
1997 January 1 19:29 - 20:30 UT, and
1997 January 2 19:31 - 21:29 UT.
An EIT movie of a coronal mass ejection
A GIF movie (874 Kbyte) of hourly EIT Fe XII 195 Å images of a
coronal mass ejection and post-flare loops over AR 7999 on 1996 November 30
and December 1.
EIT 304 Å observations of a macrospicule, 1996 September 6
A GIF movie of the complete life cycle of a macrospicule observed in
He II/Si XI 304 Å
He II/Si XI 304 Å movies of the north polar coronal hole
(JOP 057)
....showing macrospicules and spicular motions
GIF movie for 1996 December 10, 16:00 - 17:01 UT (1.0 Mbyte)
GIF movie for 1996 December 10, 20:45 - 21:56 UT (3.8 Mbyte)
GIF movie for 1996 December 11, 19:25 - 20:34 UT (2.4 Mbyte)
GIF movie for 1996 December 12, 16:00 - 17:01 UT (1.2 Mbyte)
GIF movie for 1996 December 12, 19:40 - 20:41 UT (1.2 Mbyte)
Movies of the "quiet" Sun in the MDI hi-resolution
field of view, 1996 August (JOP 001)
GIF movie for 1996 August 7 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 7 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 7 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 7 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 8 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 8 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 8 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 8 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 17 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 17 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 17 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 17 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 18 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 18 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 18 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 18 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 19 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 19 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 19 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 19 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 20 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 20 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 20 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 20 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 21 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 21 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 21 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 21 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 22 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 22 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 22 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 22 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 23 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 23 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 23 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 23 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 24 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 24 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 24 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 24 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 25 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 25 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 25 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 25 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 26 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 26 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 26 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 26 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 28 in Fe IX,X 171 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 28 in Fe XII 195 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 28 in Fe XV 284 Å
GIF movie for 1996 August 28 in He II/Si XI 304 Å
Web curator:
Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official:
Joseph B. Gurman,
Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Last revised - J.B. Gurman