The two following images compare the EUV flat-field derived from calibration lamps, and the flat-field derived from the offpoint data using the Kuh algorithm. The CalLamp-derived flat-field is a bit more noisy, but this should improve soon.
Here, "before and after" comparisons in the four wavelengths. The left column shows the raw data, the middle column shows the data corrected with a CalLamp-derived flat-field, and the right column shows the data corrected with the offpoint-derived flat-field. Obviously, our current model of the degradation is not that bad ! The scaling is the same in all the images so you can see that not only does the flat-field correct for spatial variations, but also for the overall flux. The remaining dark (and noisy) patches are regions where the combination of a low photon flux with a very poor response of the CCD produced a very weak or inexistent signal. You simply can't recover any information where there was no signal in the first place !
Preliminary analysis confirms the relationship between the CCD response in the visible and in the EUV, and the weak wavelength dependance in the EUV between the short (171/195) and long (284/304) wavelength channels of EIT.
Raw data
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Last revised: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 4:31 PM - F. Auchère